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  • +40 241 516100 | +40 732 555 480
  • Strada Ion Lahovari nr.2, Constanta, Romania
  • ffsales@fastfreight.ro

Author: admin

Cadouri pentru elevii din comuna Chirnogeni

Cadouri, surprize muzicale și multă bucurie pentru toții copiii din comuna constănțeană Chirnogeni. În prag de sărbători, prichindeii au primit vizita lui Moș Crăciun, cel care a sosit cu desaga plină cu daruri. Rând pe rând, toți elevii din localitatea Chirnogeni au primit din partea lui Moș Crăciun daruri și s-au bucurat în incinta căminului cultural de un spectacol variat și de multe alte surprize. De altfel, copiii s-au bucurat pentru a doua oară în această săptămână de vizita lui…

Thankful for 10 Years of Service !

We want to thank each and every partner or client that trusted us in this journey and hope you’ll remain at our side for the years to come.   All of us learned from each of you and we promise to improve our service so we can sustain you at our best !   The past 10 years were a beautiful journey for Fast Freight – we grow from a small group of 5 employees in one of 38. But…

Fast Freight wishes you a happy new year!

We want to start the New Year by saying how thankfully we are for the year that just ended – a lot of challenges that we had to overcome, but with the help of our hard working and professional team and trustworthy partners we manage to learn and to benefit from each of them! Big thanks to you all and we wish that we continue to grow even more together in 2019. The main achievement of 2018, for us a…

Freight Forwarding companies sustain the investments in Constanta Port – new modern capacity of storage with high class equipment opening soon

Source: Revista Intermodal & Logistics   FAST FREIGHT is a freight forwarding company that offers logistic services , having its headquarter in Constanta. At the moment they are developing a multimodal container terminal  for general cargo in Constanta South Port  – Agigea.   The investments started in July 2018 and they estimated to finalize the base project in March 2019. With a total surface of 10.000 square meters from which a modern warehouse of 1600 square meters , the terminal…

New and Improved Website

Because we like changes and we are trying to keep up with everything new, we have a new and improved website…

The New Silk Route

Together with the blossom of the IT and automotive industry, the need of factories for a shorter delivery time grow exponentially…